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Earn up to $3,900/month teaching in Atlanta, Georgia

Become a  
substitute teacher 
in Atlanta

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Get paid every Friday

Year-round opportunities

⏱️ Takes 1.5 minutes

Become a substitute teacher in Atlanta on your own terms.

Become a substitute teacher in Atlanta to make a difference while gaining teaching experience.

Enjoy a flexible schedule, competitive wages, and potential access to top schools in Atlanta.

After passing our screening process, simply download our app to start choosing assignments.

Substitute teaching in Atlanta, Georgia


•  Must be eligible to work in the U.S. already

•  Substitute license for public school positions

•  No experience required for many positions


Substitutes are generally paid a daily or half-day rate. The amounts vary based on assignment, and city.


Get a direct deposit every Friday.


Choose the assignments that work for you!


Long-term, short-term or in-between.

Getting started in Atlanta


Submit your application


Speak with a placement consultant and complete screening


Complete state and federal criminal background checks


Download the app and be notified of suitable openings

Ready to become a sub in Atlanta?

Join the most sub-friendly platform and start teaching in ATL as soon as this week.

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