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Guide to Child-to-Teacher Ratios for Colorado Daycare Centers

Understand Colorado Child-to-Teacher Ratio Requirements and ECE Best Practices

Guide to Child-to-Teacher Ratios for Colorado Daycare Centers

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Understanding Childcare Teacher-to-Student Ratios in Colorado

As a childcare administrator in Colorado, maintaining appropriate teacher-to-student ratios is essential to ensure a safe and nurturing environment for the children in your care. These ratios are mandated by state regulations to promote quality care and effective supervision. Here, we break down these ratios in a simple and accurate way, so you can ensure your center is compliant and operating smoothly.

Colorado Child-to-Teacher Ratios by Age Group

The following staff-to-child ratios are required by Colorado state regulations:

  • Infants (6 weeks to 18 months): 1 staff member per 5 infants

  • Toddlers (12 months to 36 months): 1 staff member per 5 toddlers

  • Toddlers (24 months to 36 months): 1 staff member per 7 toddlers

  • Children (2-1/2 years to 3 years): 1 staff member per 8 children

  • Children (3 years to 4 years): 1 staff member per 10 children

  • Children (4 years to 5 years): 1 staff member per 12 children

  • Children (5 years and older): 1 staff member per 15 children

  • Mixed Age Group (2-1/2 years to 6 years): 1 staff member per 10 children

For mixed age groups, if more than 20% of the group is composed of younger children (excluding infants and toddlers), the staff ratio for the youngest child must be utilized. For toddler groups, the ratio is based on the youngest child in the group.

Maximum Group Size by Age Group

In addition to staff-child ratios, Colorado regulations also stipulate maximum group sizes:

  • Infants (6 weeks to 18 months): Maximum group size of 10 infants

  • Toddlers (12 months to 36 months): Maximum group size of 10 toddlers

  • Toddlers (24 months to 36 months): Maximum group size of 14 toddlers

  • Children (2-1/2 years to 3 years): Maximum group size of 16 children

  • Children (3 years to 4 years): Maximum group size of 20 children

  • Children (4 years to 5 years): Maximum group size of 24 children

  • Children (5 years and older): Maximum group size of 30 children

  • Mixed Age Group (2-1/2 years to 6 years): Maximum group size of 20 children

Key Points to Remember

  • Youngest Child's Ratio: For preschool age groups, use the youngest child's ratio if over 20% of the group is younger children. Does not apply to infants and toddlers.

  • Appropriate Activities: Preschool and school-age groups must be engaged in developmentally appropriate activities, not separated by physical dividers.

  • Temporary Exceeding of Group Size: Group size can be temporarily exceeded for circle time, meals, special occasions, and activities.

  • Licensed Capacity: The licensed room capacity must not be exceeded at any time.

  • Toddler Separation: Toddler groups must be separated by approved methods like dividers.

  • Combining Age Groups: Care for mixed age groups in the room licensed for the youngest child, including outdoor play areas.

Importance of Adhering to Staff Ratios

Adhering to these ratios and group sizes is crucial for several reasons:

  • Safety: Proper supervision reduces the risk of accidents and ensures prompt attention to any emergencies.

  • Quality of Care: Lower ratios allow for more individualized attention and better interaction between teachers and children, fostering a supportive learning environment.

  • Compliance: Meeting these requirements helps your center remain compliant with state regulations, avoiding potential penalties or licensing issues.

By understanding and implementing these staff ratios, you can provide a high-quality childcare experience that supports the growth and development of every child in your care.


HelloSubs can help meet these requirements by providing quality substitute teachers when needed, ensuring that childcare facilities always have the necessary staff to maintain proper ratios and deliver exceptional care.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for general informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current regulations. Child care and daycare center regulations vary by state and can change frequently. Always consult your state's official regulatory bodies for the most up-to-date and accurate information. We are not liable for any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in the information provided. Use this article at your own risk.

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