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38 5th Grade Essay Writing Prompts

Updated: 4 days ago

Helping 5th graders develop their writing skills can be an exciting journey. At this stage, students are ready to tackle more structured writing tasks, such as literary essays, opinion pieces, and persuasive essays. Writing prompts are an excellent way to spark creativity, encourage critical thinking, and build confidence in young writers.

Here are some engaging and grade-appropriate prompts tailored to key 5th grade writing styles.

Literary Essay Prompts for 5th Grade

Character Study

Write about a character from your favorite book. What makes them memorable? How do their actions affect the story?

Theme Exploration

Choose a book you’ve read and explain its main message or theme. How does the author use the characters and events to express this theme?

Compare and Contrast

Compare two characters from different books. How are they similar, and how are they different? Which character do you relate to more and why?

Setting Matters

Describe how the setting of a story influences the characters and plot. How would the story change if it took place in a different time or place?

Author’s Craft

Choose a part of a story that you found exciting or moving. How did the author’s words make you feel that way?

Persuasive Essay Prompts for 5th Grade

School Improvements

What is one thing you would change about your school? Write an essay convincing your principal to make this change.

Community Impact

Think of a problem in your community. Write an essay to convince your town’s mayor to take action and fix this issue.

Favorite Subject Debate

What is the most important subject in school? Convince your teacher why students should spend more time learning this subject.

Better Lunches

Write an essay to persuade your school cafeteria to serve your favorite meal at least once a week. Explain why it’s a great choice for students.

Homework Policy

Do you think students should have homework? Write an essay convincing your teacher to either increase or reduce the amount of homework assigned.

Year-Round School

Should students attend school year-round, or is summer vacation essential? Write an essay convincing others to support your opinion.

School Uniforms

Do you think students should wear uniforms to school? Why or why not? Convince your classmates of your viewpoint.

Pets in the Classroom

Should classrooms have pets? Write an essay convincing your teacher why having a class pet would be a great idea—or why it wouldn’t.

Screen Time Limits

Should parents limit screen time for kids? Write an essay to convince adults whether limits are necessary or not.

Field Trip Ideas

What is the best place for your class to go on a field trip? Write a letter to your teacher convincing them to choose your idea.

Importance of Sports

Are sports as important as academic subjects? Write an essay convincing your school to either increase or decrease sports opportunities for students.

Later School Start Times

Should schools start later in the morning? Write an essay persuading your principal to consider changing the schedule.

A Ban on Junk Food

Should schools ban junk food from lunchrooms and vending machines? Write an essay convincing your school why this is—or isn’t—a good idea.

The Best Superpower

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Write an essay convincing others why your superpower is the best choice.

Weekend Homework

Should students be assigned homework on weekends? Write an essay to convince your teacher why they should or shouldn’t assign weekend work.

Best School Tradition

What is the best tradition or event at your school? Write an essay convincing others why it’s the most important.

Recess Time

Should students have more recess time during the school day? Write an essay to convince your principal to extend recess.

Books vs. Movies

Which is better, books or movies? Write an essay convincing your classmates to agree with your opinion.

Celebrating Holidays at School

Should schools celebrate holidays in the classroom? Write an essay persuading others why this should or shouldn’t happen.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Why is recycling important? Write an essay convincing your community to recycle more and reduce waste.

The Best Invention

What is the most important invention in history? Write an essay convincing others to agree with your choice.

The Perfect Teacher

What qualities make a teacher great? Write an essay persuading others to agree with your vision of the ideal teacher.

Cursive Writing in Schools

Should schools still teach cursive writing? Write an essay convincing your school to either keep or remove cursive lessons from the curriculum.

School Wi-Fi Access

Should students be allowed to use school Wi-Fi for personal devices? Write an essay persuading your school administration to support your view.

Celebrating Student Success

Should schools have more assemblies or events to celebrate student achievements? Write an essay convincing your principal to hold more student recognition events.

These prompts encourage students to think critically and practice persuasive writing while exploring topics that are engaging and relevant to their lives.

Opinion Essay Prompts for 5th grade

A Book Everyone Should Read

What is one book that you think everyone in your class should read? Explain why it’s worth reading and how it can teach important lessons.

The Best Hobby

What’s the best hobby to have? Explain why it’s fun, beneficial, or meaningful.

Technology in the Classroom

Do you think technology, like tablets or laptops, should be used more in schools? Why or why not?

The Ultimate Vacation Spot

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Explain why this destination is the best choice.

Being a Kid vs. Being an Adult

Is it better to be a kid or an adult? Explain your opinion with examples.

Why Creative Writing Prompts Work for 5th Grade

Encourage Creativity

Prompts help students brainstorm and focus their thoughts, turning a blank page into a platform for self-expression.

Build Critical Thinking Skills

Writing prompts challenge students to evaluate ideas, form arguments, and think analytically—key skills for academic success.

Prepare for Future Assignments

Practicing different types of essays prepares students for future writing tasks, from standardized tests to creative projects.

Using writing prompts tailored to 5th-grade students’ interests and abilities can make essay writing fun and engaging. Whether they’re analyzing a story, crafting a persuasive argument, or sharing an opinion, prompts help students organize their ideas and develop their unique voice.

Encourage your 5th graders to try these writing prompts and watch their writing skills—and confidence—grow!

5th grade writers writing prompts

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